Peace workers to lead discussion

By September 16, 2010Media Releases, Uncategorised
Peace workers to lead discussion
The International Day of Peace service will be held in the Baha’i Temple in Sydney

Three prominent peace workers will lead a discussion following a service held at the Baha’i Temple in Sydney at 11 am on Sunday, 19 September to mark the International Day of Peace.

The speakers leading the discussion, which will be held from noon to 1pm, will be:

  • Ernie Friedlander, a Holocaust survivor who is the driving force between the Harmony Poster Competition that engages thousands of NSW school children annually.
  • Biannca Pace, a key organiser of the Sydney Peace Festival, held annually in Martin Place on 21 September.
  • Abe Quadan, a founding member of the Palestinian-Jewish dialogue group and a mediation skills teacher at the University of Sydney.

The service in the Temple will include readings from the sacred scriptures of the world’s religions as well as a performance by the Baha’i Temple choir.

The service and the discussion will be open to the public.

“We welcome members of the public to join us to celebrate the International Day of Peace and reflect on the contribution we can each make to build a more peaceful world,” said Natalie Mobini, a spokesperson for the Australian Baha’i Community.

The International Day of Peace, which falls on 21 September, was established by the United Nations in 1981 as a day “devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples”.

For further information, please call (02) 9877 5826.

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