Education of girls key to eradication of poverty

By October 16, 2008Media Releases, Uncategorised
Education of girls key to eradication of poverty
L to R: Tessa Scrine, Sharon Bessell, Kali Drucza, Nyankiir Deng and Stephen Passingham spoke at the Anti-Poverty Week event

Kali Drucza, 11, and Nyankiir Deng, 7, spoke about the importance of the education of girls before an audience of 100 people from government, non-governmental organisations and the public.

Two expert speakers also led a discussion on the topic of gender disparity in education.

They were Dr Sharon Bessell, Senior Public Policy Lecturer at the Australian National University, and Stephen Passingham, Principal Education Advisor for AusAID.

The event was also sponsored by UNIFEM and AusAID.

Anti-Poverty Week is an extension of the observance of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

The purpose of the International Day, held annually on 17 October, is to acknowledge the struggle of people living in poverty, to allow the poor to make their concerns heard and to promote awareness of the need to eradicate poverty and destitution in all countries.

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