The New Era Baha’i choir contributed to the interfaith atmosphere when it performed at an event in Perth celebrating the birthday of Buddha.
Comprised of people from various backgrounds and ages, New Era performed songs that reached out to the more noble sentiments of the audience.
When the choir’s founder and musical director Greg Parker introduced My Sweet Lord, he described the song as one “written by a Hindu (George Harrison) and sung by a Baha’i choir at a Buddhist celebration.”
The 1000-strong audience of people of many faiths and denominations later took up Mr Parker’s invitation to join with the choir in singing All You Need is Love.
As the choir, conducted by Rachel Parker-Roohi, was concluding its performance of I Still Call Australia Home, the sky lit up with a spectacular fireworks display.
Biggest event
Perth Baha’i Sholeh Boyle read passages and prayer from the Baha’i Writings at the event held on 12 April at the Supreme Court Gardens.
The annual festival is the biggest event on the calendar for the Buddhist community in Perth and is popular with the wider community.
The organisers, the Buddha Light International Association and the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Western Australia, invited the Baha’is to participate in the event.
Noted for its combination of diversity, spirituality and talent, the Perth-based New Era Baha’i choir has performed throughout Australia at hundreds of events since it was established in 1988.
The choir’s repertoire includes popular songs that reflect Baha’i principles, Baha’i scriptures set to music, and original material by Mr Parker from New Era’s album Release.
New Era has often been invited to perform at citizenship ceremonies and at Australia Day services in the presence of the Governor of Western Australia.